riffle shuffle

  1. Brownstudy

    Perfect Riffle Shuffle?

    Hi Everyone, I’m new here so apologies if this question has already been asked. I did search for it and it appears that it hasn’t. Is it possible to teach oneself to consistently do a perfect In the Hand Riffle Shuffle? Is it possible to always cut the deck into two exactly equal packets...
  2. M

    Stevens Control Squaring Problems

    In the Stevens Control Could anyone let me know how I'm supposed to keep the rest of the cards from jogging, or rather are they supposed to jog too ? I've read Vernon's More Inner Secrets and The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings. After doing as instructed in those write ups every card below...
  3. L

    Riffle Fan - Need help with pressure

    I know that most tutorials will say that it's something I have to figure out for myself. But is the pressure needed to do the riffle fan just under? Or is there pressure from above also? Also, does the speed of the spread have anything to do with the stability so the cards won't fall while...
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