A 'short' review of JDEN's free PDFs

Oct 16, 2007
As to promote creativity and in the kindest of spirits, JDENredden has released two free PDFs for download from his site: www.JDENredden.info.

Vol. I- Deception
"Deception is a concept to find the spectators card, by apparently Mathematical Genius and/or Card Counting tho[sic.] has very little and basic Math."

While the technique is explained as well as one could ask, I personally don't like this method. I'm not a weak math student by any means however, the method employed is daunting until one gets used to such a task. (I must submit that the same effect can be achieved with a simple control.) Lastly, I feel the method takes away from the effect as all of the unselected cards' faces must be viewed by the cardician. I can't help but feel that someone would call you on that fact and explain that you just looked for what was missing.

While reiterating that the effect described in this PDF that accompanies the method is achievable by a various other means ("cleaner") than by using the concept provided, I cannot throw away the concept. Again, JDEN has kindly released these PDFs for us to read and reinterpret, reinvent and make our own. I do think that this concept/method is quite neat and with a little thought and playing around, I'm sure you will all be able to employ this (even if only with half a deck) nifty little principal at some point. I don't recommend throwing out any ideas but this specific concept could very well be a diamond in the rough for some of you.

Quality: Decently designed, legible fonts, quick read. FREE

Vol. II- Burn Me
Effect a:
"The performer ignites a match, and slowly brings it
toward his face and finally to his mouth. The
performer then places the match on his tongue and
closes his mouth. The performer then takes a breath
and blows smoke out of his nose. Then the performer
opens his mouth and removes the extinguished
match. The performer is left with no burns to his
mouth or tongue."

JDEN states numerous times that if you play with fire, you'll get burnt- heed this warning... The amount of flame retardant need not be dripping from your mouth but I think it should be mentioned that one should not be sparing with it- I find it to be rather inexpensive, comes in large quantities and will help from blistering your tongue; of which you have only one after all. Another point to mention is that you should shut your mouth immediately after inserting the match as not to possibly display the method. Personally, I'd tilt my head back as it looks more theatrical and will again, protect against "Common! anyone can do that!"

Another reason to tilt back is if the level of flame retardant is a bit too much, tilting your head back and sticking out your tongue will allow all of it to go to the back of your mouth. From there, the match would be extinguished as explained and you can return your head to its normal posture. I'm a biology major and can tell you that swallowing any of the constituents used in this effect isn't going to make you sick- just don't make a practice of swallowing used match heads more often than performance deems necessary as they taste 'ewwie'

What I love about this effect is the fact that JDEN took a few ideas from here and there and strung them together. d+M and DG- need I say more? The effect of the smoke coming out of your nose is an added and makes for a more mystifying presentation of a scaled down classic. (Who didn't want to swallow fire for a living after their first time at a circus?!)

Effect b:
"The performer ignites a match, and slowly brings it
toward his arm. The performer then touches the
match on his arm and it is extinguished."

The handling of this should be practiced in a mirror while watching your face. I say this because from your peripheral vision, you can notice any and all jerky motions or the like that would want to be avoided while if you watch your hands dead on, you will lose the fluidity needed to pull off this feat. I think hand angles will play a role in this particular effect.

All in all, both Volumes were easy reads containing slightly polished methods to which you must find an application. The beauty in PDFs like this is that while one reader will read Vol II and want to employ it as a stunt or segway into a trick or even the begining stages of a flame production, another reader may want to experiment with the second effect and its usefulness in revealing a selection on your arm- be it Stigmata or what have you. Endless possibilities my friends.

I am grateful to JDEN for allowing a brief glimpse into his personal endeavors and ideas and hope to read more from him soon.

i like burn me, it did burn me the first time .. but other than that it is very fun, and gets pretty good reactions. i didn't much like deception because it is very hard, and the same thing could be acomplished with an easier method. kind of poitless.
i like burn me, it did burn me the first time .. but other than that it is very fun, and gets pretty good reactions. i didn't much like deception because it is very hard, and the same thing could be acomplished with an easier method. kind of poitless.
Yes Iam also not a fan of Deception, even tho I made it. Me and D ICE R are working on a streamlined version. Im glad you liked Burn Me.

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