Angle Zero

Jul 30, 2008
Hey guys, I need some answers for my queries for angle zero. I've read several threads about it, claiming that it is totally awesome.

So yea,

Firstly, how difficult is it?

Secondly, does it require palming or anything like that?

I am sorry if these questions have been asked before.

Your replies are greatly appreciated.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Hi Vior,

It's really not difficult at all - you do need a little bit of practice, but only because of the trick's mechanics - there aren't any difficult moves at all; you'll simply need to practice fluency, rhythm and acting, but no hard moves.

No palming required.

Jan 14, 2008
angle zero is really easy you can even do it blind folded hehehe every thing relies on your presentation... get mystique....

Dec 17, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
The only thing hard is to give a logical reasoning (patter) why the card has gone to the place u put it.

Not all magic needs to be logical. The whole idea of magic is the farthest thing away from logic if you think about it.

Angle Zero is probably the simplest effect I know. You don't have to really DO anything. It's awesome.
It's extremely easy... It's probably one of the easiest card tricks I've ever come across. No palming, no sleights, nothing. You'll be able to do it within minutes even if you've just been introduced to magic.
The only thing a bit difficult is to perform it in a good flow and rhythm, but I'm sure you'll get that after one or two performances.
Get it, it is worth the price. I wish I were d+M advertising agent, just so I could go on and on about how good this trick is :p.
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