Approaching Anxiety

Dec 22, 2016
Ive been into card magic for a few years now and ive had a few walk around gigs. When i perform in public ive passed on word of mouth from groups of friends. Thats worked pretty well for me but i want to start performing in a new location where no one knows me. I know how to perform my effects through and through but how do i approach people? What is the best way to get people interested in what im doing? How can i be confident enough to approach a potential audience? The idea of aproaching strangers makes me anxious so how do i get the courage to approach people? Any advice is well appreciated


Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
Their is no answer for any of your questions because everything depends on everything. In order to approach people you just have to do it. I believe someone who puts it best (at least I relate to it) is that Calen Morelli said in a youtube video that he has around 5 seconds to just walk up to a stranger and perform. If the approach doesn't happen in those 5 seconds he won't do it because of the anxiety. You gotta just do it no matter how you feel. Whats the worst that could happen? Thy say no thanks? Doesn't seem bad to me. Next, the best way to get people interested if we are talking about walk around is to do something quick and visual. With this you don't even need to say "Hey watch this" you just do it sometimes and they will notice if you are in their line of sight. It is really hard nowadays with everyone always on their stupid cellphone. Do not start out with a card trick ever unless you are making cards disappear with a back palm. Thats one of the only things that works as an opener. Card tricks do not work as walk around openers because they are not visual and they involve the spectator. You can't involve the spectator on your first effect because you are assuming they want to watch. Lastly, being courageous and confident comes with actually doing it like in my first point. You WILL GAIN CONFIDENCE when you just keep approaching and actually performing to everyone, no matter how you feel. I know how hard it is to approach and perform for strangers but you gotta fight the bad feeling you get in your body and push past it. Become a new person and grow with the experience. You will become confident.
Dec 22, 2016
Their is no answer for any of your questions because everything depends on everything. In order to approach people you just have to do it. I believe someone who puts it best (at least I relate to it) is that Calen Morelli said in a youtube video that he has around 5 seconds to just walk up to a stranger and perform. If the approach doesn't happen in those 5 seconds he won't do it because of the anxiety. You gotta just do it no matter how you feel. Whats the worst that could happen? Thy say no thanks? Doesn't seem bad to me. Next, the best way to get people interested if we are talking about walk around is to do something quick and visual. With this you don't even need to say "Hey watch this" you just do it sometimes and they will notice if you are in their line of sight. It is really hard nowadays with everyone always on their stupid cellphone. Do not start out with a card trick ever unless you are making cards disappear with a back palm. Thats one of the only things that works as an opener. Card tricks do not work as walk around openers because they are not visual and they involve the spectator. You can't involve the spectator on your first effect because you are assuming they want to watch. Lastly, being courageous and confident comes with actually doing it like in my first point. You WILL GAIN CONFIDENCE when you just keep approaching and actually performing to everyone, no matter how you feel. I know how hard it is to approach and perform for strangers but you gotta fight the bad feeling you get in your body and push past it. Become a new person and grow with the experience. You will become confident.
Thank you for your time. Ive only ever really used cards and i cant back palm to save my life. Are there any visual effects you could recommend? I dont know where to start with anything else


Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
Ring magic is in my opinion the best short and visual magic you could do for an opener. I recommend checking out an effect on the market called PolteRing. Also check out Ring Thing by Garrett Thomas, Divorce by Justin Miller and Reflex by Patrick Kun. Other than ring magic I would look into finger magic. I know it sounds "grampa-ish" but I actually perform the gag where you pull off your index finger and put it back on and I am 21. After that depending on if they know that one, I will go into The Pinky Thing by Nick Locapo. Do check out for sure ring magic
Dec 22, 2016
Ring magic is in my opinion the best short and visual magic you could do for an opener. I recommend checking out an effect on the market called PolteRing. Also check out Ring Thing by Garrett Thomas, Divorce by Justin Miller and Reflex by Patrick Kun. Other than ring magic I would look into finger magic. I know it sounds "grampa-ish" but I actually perform the gag where you pull off your index finger and put it back on and I am 21. After that depending on if they know that one, I will go into The Pinky Thing by Nick Locapo. Do check out for sure ring magic
Would you recommend Oddesy by Calen Morelli? That seems amazing but i dont know if it would work. Youre being so helpful Grant, thank you


Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
I would start out with what I have listed. As you become more advanced in ring magic you can buy Odyssey but I do not recommend it yet only because it uses a gimmick. You must first be comfortable with rings before handling more advanced things. If you do not have a ring though I would recommend it because it does come with a normal ring you can use to practice what I told to look up. The video for Odyssey will always be waiting once you have become proficient in everything else.
Dec 22, 2016
I would start out with what I have listed. As you become more advanced in ring magic you can buy Odyssey but I do not recommend it yet only because it uses a gimmick. You must first be comfortable with rings before handling more advanced things. If you do not have a ring though I would recommend it because it does come with a normal ring you can use to practice what I told to look up. The video for Odyssey will always be waiting once you have become proficient in everything else.
Ill definitely look into them. Thank you so much


Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
You're welcome. Whenever you are not confident just reread my advice and go out there.
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