arrco playing cards

Jul 23, 2010
so i was wondering since everyone says the old arrcos(ohio made) are better then the new ones. dont get me wrong arrcos are my favorite but how much do you guys think they are worth a pack? ive seen them for like 10 or 15 a pack so what do you guys think.
May 21, 2011
Bedford, England
Since the cards are pretty rare, I would say 10-15 for a pack (and double packs from what I've seen on eBay) is pretty good. Anything over would be slightly over the line between being affordable and being expensive since the cards aren't entirely unique in handling compared to a standard air cushion finish (even though they do feel awesome!)
Feb 4, 2008
I've seen double packs for 10-15 bucks. I don't think they are better than Steamboats, which went off the market a year or two before Arrcos, and steamboats still go for around 10. So I personally would be willing to pay $7.00-$8.00 for Arrcos based on availability(estimated) and quality.
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