Attention Singaporeans!

May 3, 2008
Jaspas Deck will be hosting a flourish battle competition at the location of the first Jam Time video.

You are invited to the first REAL BATTLE COMPETITION ever to have existed in flourish history and all you need is a pack of cards and the guts to do what you love for other people.

The event will be held at Esplanade Underground on 25th of April 4.30 pm. You can bring whatever equipment you need to do your hybrid flourishes, whether they are ties, watches, fans, tables, close up mats, dogs, red bull, or whatever else you may need.

Each competitor will be allocated a slot in a knockout styled table, where they will then have to battle their respective opponents in 2 random songs. During each song they can flourish for up to 1.30 minutes then its their opponent's turn. The winner will be decided by the judges

The entry fee for this competition is 0 dollars

more information at

Drop us a reply here or email Jaspas through the xanga site.

(I'll be there participating and filming, so if you havent had the chance to be in a singaporean meetup video and want to, heres your chance!)
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