Begginer Passion

Aug 27, 2020
I have a doubt, although it may be very obvious. When I started in magic a few years ago I was amazed by what I learned and it was all very pleasant. Currently I enjoy practicing but I do not have the same fascination as at the beginning and recently I started in other arts and I felt that feeling again. How could I recover it with magic or is it something that you only have once?


Elite Member
Jul 25, 2015
Yes, the "new car smell" does go away after a bit but find a new unexplored corner of magic to regain a bit of it. Let us know what kind of things you do and we can suggest areas to explore. For example, learning a stack made card magic new again for me. Get a gimmicked coin or 2 you haven't tried. A good book on an area you haven't mastered. Let us know what's old to you and we can suggest what is new again.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008

The "beginner passion" is just the excitement of learning something new. The brain releases dopamine and serotonin when you accomplish things, and the beginner phase of anything new has a lot of novel accomplishments. The further along you go, the fewer novel accomplishments there.

However, performing will always get the juices flowing - assuming the performer is fully engaging in the performance and not just phoning it in. There is also a lot more to learn when it comes to performing.

Another thing to try is a different branch of magic. When I started I was all about card magic. After two and a half years I was getting bored with that, so I branched out into other classic magic stuff like linking rings and chop cup, then settled into Bizarre magic, which quickly lead to hypnosis and mentalism.
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