Best center deal for the card table?

Jan 27, 2015
I have been doing some reading about the center deal and the best method out there.
Was wondering if any one can tell me as I have not seen it in print, why the Kennedy center is so good?
The Martin A Nash center that he shows how to do in his books, seems to me one of the better ones, or best one out there, I don't see how the Kennedy method can improve on center Martin Nash used? I am guessing from what I have seen there is a block of cards that are jogged in the Kennedy method and not so for Nash method?
Please feel free to chime in?
Jan 28, 2015
The big advantage to the Kennedy center deal is the grip.

You can also use it to throw a discus, which is a big advantage if you have any interest in entering the Olympics, I suggest taking up rock climb to build hand strength. o_O

I'm kidding of course, but it really depends in which context you are wanting to learn the center deal that determines which is "the best". If you're looking to use a center deal for cheating in real card games (which I do not recommend as you run the risk of great bodily harm if you have a bad day) then it's not uncommon for some to use a combination of center deal methods.

The Kennedy center deal on it's own is really more of a demonstration move more than anything else and in my opinion, center deals are strictly for magicians and make-believe hustlers, because in real card game situations with money at stake, I cannot think of anything more useless or dangerous than a center deal...but each to their own.

As far as a magicians go then generally speaking, I think a good pseudo center deal is easier, more deceptive and far superior to an actual center deal when it comes to entertaining an audience. Of course if you fancy yourself as more of a Card Mechanic as opposed to a Magician, then go for it!

Jan 27, 2015
Hi KZ.
Thanks for the reply. Martin Nash has some routines with a center in it. I thought that if the Kennedy was easier to master I would use that. I am having a hard time doing a continuous center with the Martin Nash method, although I really like the idea of the get ready and bevel card, I just need more practice I guess, I guess I will just have to buy the book to see if Kennedy method would suit my hands better, just don't know how cards are manipulated with that method, and utube is not much help, just trying to firm up in my mind what would be a better method for me.
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