Best haunted deck (Impromptu)

Jun 23, 2011
Quito, Ecuador
Hey forum, I'm looking for a cool haunted deck, since it's one of my favorite tricks. However I'm interesed only on tricks that are impromptu or in the worst case a simple gimmick (simple means it can be homemade), for example tricks like spooked by Nicholas Einhorn is not what I'm looking for, since it has a gimmick that isn't homemade; something similar to Vector by patrick kun, or even scared by jamie daws will do. Tricks with strings, loops, electronic devices,etc aren't accepted
thanks in advance.
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Nov 8, 2009
Well you seem to have named quite a few good ones on your own.
Jamie's and Patrick's are some of the best impromptu and minimally gimmicked ones out there.
Jan 5, 2010
Already mentioned - Derren Brown's solution to the problem is a very simple haunted deck. It's described in 'Pure Effect' under his 3 Card Routine.

You can send me a PM if you have any questions about it.
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