Bits of wisdom needed

Jul 14, 2008
My name is Rob I am new to the card magic arena. I'm looking for any advice that you are willing to give that can help me become a better performer. Thank you.
Jul 14, 2008
First of all, I would like to welcome you Theory11 forums and you will find this advice very helpful. To be a better performer, you must have a certain trick in mind before you perform for laymen or else, the audience will get very bored and leave you. While performing a trick, you must practise your patter (presentation) so that they will get a clear understanding. To go in further details, you can check this out, http:// if you want to be a better showman and the tips are very useful.
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
Practice, Practice, Practice. And then Perform, Perform, Perform...This usually results in more practice...

The best advice is simple, as said above, be yourself. Practice some routines. Perform (after you've practiced) until you're comfortable doing so.

Going out in front of strangers is difficult, some people don't want to see first the reactions may be disheartening...but as long as you continue to work on your presentation and never making mistakes (because a mistake is only a mistake if you fail to learn from it) then you'll get better.

Just remember that books and people can give advice, and you should take it. But you'll find that most people who give advice learned primarily from experience, which is the greatest tool in anyones arsenal.

Hope it was of some help,
Jun 20, 2008
I highly suggest that you buy Strong Magic by Darwin Ortiz.

I second this. This book is amazing. I had been doing card tricks for about six months when I first read this book and it blew my mind. While it won't teach you any tricks, it will teach you how to make the ones you have a thousand times more effective, and the best part is that it's very well written and entertaining to read. I make a habit of reading it whenever I'm eating alone; sometimes I take it to work with me to read on my break. There are certain chapters I've read probably a hundred times and I learn something new every time. It's not dull for one second and the sooner you think about the stuff Darwin has to say the less frustrated you will be as you progress.

One thing people seem to recommend to newcomers is to get an introductory course like Royal Road to Card Magic or Roberto Giobbi's Card College. While this is a good idea, don't be afraid to poke around and practice anything you'd like. It sometimes seems to me that people recommend only focusing on a book like one of those and getting to the whole thing, but for me it was pretty discouraging and made practice feel a lot more like school.

Most of all, just have fun with it, because if you're not, what's the point?
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