Card College Help

Jul 16, 2008
hey everyone i dont learn well from books but decide to take on card college long story short i am having problems can you help thanks
Feb 1, 2008
i dont learn well from books either. this is what i do. read certain sections multiple times. read aloud. try to visualize what there saying in your head.

hope this helps a little
Sep 1, 2007
what do you find the best way to learn from the books

I've always loved reading, magic books or not, it may be more difficult if you don't enjoy reading books, would that be the case with you?

I'd also reccommend taking breaks(not the ones with the pinky :p) in between reading, maybe even after you read one trick just read it over and over, until you know the actual mechanics, go watch TV and practice the mechanics until you can do it well and then read over it again in case you missed anything.

Obviously techniques like these may work for some people whilst not for others.

Hope I was of help.
Jul 16, 2008
thanks guys for the fast responses elisg i love to read and have no problem doing so the thing i like the most about card college learning wise is the pictures help out a ton
Out of curiosity: Why do you have trouble learning from books? What is it specifically that makes you say that?

I'm not trying to argue, just genuinely curious. I do a lot of my learning from books, so I may be able to help when I know what the problem is.

Jun 20, 2008
The problem I run into when learning from Card College is that Giobbi gives you SO MUCH INFORMATION. This certainly isn't a bad thing; I find it best (certainly not the most ideal way, but the only way that works for me) to go through each sleight or trick and get the absolute minimum and practice it a couple of times like that. Then you can read through again and work on one thing at a time. And remember that you don't need to do EVERYTHING he says to be able to use the sleight while performing.
Mar 29, 2008
not sure if this was mentioned - as I skimmed the advice, but sometimes it is helpful to see a move in performance, which you can sometimes see by searching it - and then read it. Learning from book is a skill, but a very useful one - as it will improve you in ways that videos can't. It will...oh oooh...make you THINK!!! AHHHHHH.

Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight...thank you Bruce Coburn!
Apr 9, 2008
I read and understand every single word in the book before I learn it. If I feel that there is something missing, I'll reread the page again.
The problem I run into when learning from Card College is that Giobbi gives you SO MUCH INFORMATION.

This is an issue with the books sometimes, but it's an issue of choosing to slow down and work on one thing at a time, in my opinion. Often we get a source, be it a book or a DVD, and we want to do everything on it. We want to get it as soon as possible, too.

This enthusiasm is a good thing, but why are we like this? If I had to guess, I'd say it's the novelty of the new. We like having something we didn't have before, especially when it's the new thing, and we like being the first one to have it. It's why movies rarely last more than a couple of weeks in the top spots...people love being the first in line, but once the novelty wears off, so does the enthusiasm.

If this is the issue, as it has been (alright, sometimes still is) for me, try this. Pick one thing Monday evening. Read through it Monday night, walking through the moves and whatnot. Break it down. Then Tuesday, try to go through it without the book. If you get stuck, refer to the source. Try to get through it several times without looking. Wednesday, work on your script, and practice without looking at the book. Thursday and Friday, run through the routine with the script. Edit, edit, edit.

In one week you'll have dusted off a new routine and will have begun to polish it. You'll also have prevented information-overload.

Good luck...happy reading!



Sep 2, 2007
read the book, then go on youtube and watch a performance, that should help.. thats what i did with the paper engine, and it helped me out a lot!
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