Diagonal Palm Shift - Jason England

Nov 23, 2007
Another good aspect of learning from an expert like Jason is over the length of time he’s been doing it correctly he has come across many issues with it. He can filter out needless aspects saving udoodles of time and concentrate on giving tips and advise on worthy details based on his lengthy experience with the move.

Priceless info if the move is useful to you.

My new computer should be here soon and I'll be picking up a lot of 1 on 1s. I think they are a pretty good deal especially if they are on subjects that improve your performance in that area.
Sep 1, 2007
One of the most fun things about learning a move is woking out the kinks yourself, discovering your own subtleties. That makes you respect the move and feel like you accomplished something, rather than copy everything Jason does. I don't remember where, but Mr. England said that a big downfall of teaching magic on video is the learner will sometimes copy the exact same mannerisms as the teacher. I've seen a lot of people lately who do this. I'm not saying the tips and hints should not be included, but I think sometimes people make too big a deal out of someone who teaches a personal mannerism of subtlety. I'd rather learn it from Erdnase, and do it with my own style and finnese.
Jun 24, 2008
Harrisonburg, VA
I bought it and I'm glad I did.

I knew the sleight already from the book, I have been doing it for quite awhile but I still went ahead and got this 1on1 knowing very well I know this move already.

Why did I get it?

Because I felt that experienced tips, hints, etc were worth $10. He's been doing this move for over 12 yrs as he states and I didn't realize it's something I could do after a peek. I altered my handling a bit and now feel more confident with this sleight than I did before hand.

I agree with Jbayme, he's making very valid points and passing up expert advice on a sleight that is useful to you as a performer... that's a mistake. If this move isn't for you, then I can understand why you would by pass it. If you already know it and use it, why would you pass this buy when he's got so much experience on his side?

Jason, wonderful 1on1 I always love watching your videos.

Jbayme, keep up the good work. Much love :p
Nov 23, 2008
I remember when I was first learning the DPS I tried learning it from as many different sources as possible. Like with all sleights I try and take the best bits from as many places as I can and put those all together into a big ball sleight-ing-ness. I remember Roberto Giobbi saying in Card College that if he could have a fairy godmother flutter down and give him any three sleights of his choice when he first started out, knowing what he knows now, they would be the bottom deal, perfect table faro and the diagonal palm shift..

That alone, to me, made me want to learn the DPS more than most things at that time. I could already hack my way through a dodgy Bottom Deal Demo and at that time I wasn't totally sure what the DPS actually did. Back then if this video was available, my mouse would be clicking its way to the checkout before I had finished watching the video.

You just cannot put a price on expert guidance. $10 is NOTHING to have over half an hour with an expert telling you as much as he can about a clearly brilliant sleight, that of which, none other than Mr. GIOBBI would have wanted to learn when he first started.

That being said, in a total contradictory manner, I haven’t picked up the video yet. I will, but not yet, for reasons far to complicated to explain :(
Oct 5, 2008
Almada, Portugal
About the video him self (not the DPS); Jason teachs you any tipe of palm or the gamblers cup?
He's doing it differtily then the way I know (I lerned from Marc D'Sousa), but it looks perfect to me. But I perfer wait for the Pass ... :D
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