First starting in flourishing questions

In response: It's not just that they are hard...

Or if you're into the fancy 2 handed cuts, the System and the Trilogy are great. Who cares if they're two hard. They're going to be hard weather you're a beginner or not.

I about 85% disagree. I started with the Trilogy because I didn't know a thing about cardistry (didn't know it was cardistry, I think) and wasn't lucky enough to have someone usher me into the system. The teaching on disc 2 really does assume a basic knowledge of cards. Not just of basic maneuvers, which I could have and did go off to learn, but of general skills and understanding of the way cards work. The teaching could have been to my level, but it wasn't, and therefore I spent a lot of time trying to figure out general skills from the teaching there when I could have done it much faster, more efficiently, and better with a basic resource.

But I don't think it screwed me over for life. I've looked around (including on flourishes 101) and now know basic things like the deck flip, revolution cut, charlier, one hand fan, thumb fan, ego change, and sybil. (Oh, do I know sybil...)
Jan 31, 2008
Location: Location
get disc 3 of the trilogy. it is jam-packed with basic flourishes.

As is XB (Xtreme Beginnerz found at but I've heard several people complain about the teaching of the basic flourishes on everythingelse, I can testify that XB is very in depth and is about the same price, plus contains other unique info, so I'd go with that....
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