Free - One

Jun 3, 2015
Lake District, UK
I come bearing gifts, well, a gift.

In the short time that I have been visiting the theory11 forums I have gotten a lot from all of you, so I wanted to give back. I have been playing with a few ideas and I wanted to share one of them with you all, for free.

One is my attempt to create a “single card moving pip” effect that comes full circle and ends with an ordinary playing card, no different than any other in the deck.

Personally I quite like this effect and it works well for me, but I may be the only one.

Attached to this post is a pdf file that will take you through the basic steps of One, but it isn't exactly a professional instruction manual.

I hope you enjoy it.

2 requests.
1. If you don't like it, don't give me a hard time. I'm not professing that this is something amazing, it's not, it's just something that I have been playing with and think is kind of cool. I am well aware that some will hate it, just remember it is free and I'm holding no gun to no head forcing anyone to use it.
2. Whilst I have no way of controlling this, please don't share the file elsewhere. I have shared this here as a small way of saying thank you to the brilliant theory11 community.


  • One.pdf
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