garage sale

Mar 17, 2015
So my neighborhood does this really big garage sale and it's highly advertised. on May 2nd. I want to get a spot doing something with my magic but before I sign up, I'm 18 and I haven't done anything like this. Anybody have any advice, or the sort of thing that I should do in that situation? Like which types of tricks I should perform in that setting?

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
I have had similar experiences and it is at casual event like a garage sale or farmer's market that you can gain a ton of experience. So I think your on the right track, even if you aren't as prepared as you could be there's no reason you shouldn't do it.

When I perform at the farmer's markets around here I usually just power through a simplified version of my full show. I build up the act with an opener, some middle magic and a closer in the same way I would for a formal show. The classics work really well, these venues are very flexible so if you are a close up entertainer you can rock your close up stuff. If you do parlor there is usually enough room for you to do parlor.

Tricks I would recommend would be the classics.
1. Professor's Nightmare- Ropes are crazy versatile
2. Cups and Balls- My first set that I performed with were small terracotta pots
3. The Invisible Deck- If you are doing close up you can put it in your pocket but if you have any kind of a table set up it can be placed in a mason jar or wine glass (depending on your character) and used as a big prediction that get's as many people as you want involved in the selection.
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