How to deal with Hecklers?

Mar 25, 2008
Here's something to think about:

I've watched a LOT of magicians perform for laypeople and I've noticed that...

1. Magicians who get heckled.... they get heckled consistently. Every few performances they get it from someone with both barrels.

2. Magicians who don't get heckled.... they RARELY get heckled. Hardly ever do they get an audience who has a problem spectator in it.

Why is that? It doesn't seem to be about skill level. I've seen very skilled magicians get the piss taken out of them, and I've seen sloppy performers escape having the most obvious moves pointed out.

To me it obviously has something to do with attitude, respect, and posturing. (Some magicians will mistake this for cockiness, acting aloof, and showing off.)
Oct 31, 2007
This one usually works:

Freeze and stare at them with a curious look. Like with an eyebrow raised. You don't even need to say anything. Often, people around him will be like "what the hell dude?"

If the above doesn't work after a couple seconds, say: "Aaaaaand we're back" and continue as if he hadn't said anything.

I do that!

I also threaten to just stop performing because they are ruining it for the others around them that actually want to see something cool. Most of the time that works because they stop thinking about me and start thinking about how they look to others around them. People are very selfconcious so if you can put the situation back on them and make them think about themselves that usually stops the heckling without really offending.

Orin 10
Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK
I do that!

I also threaten to just stop performing because they are ruining it for the others around them that actually want to see something cool. Most of the time that works because they stop thinking about me and start thinking about how they look to others around them. People are very selfconcious so if you can put the situation back on them and make them think about themselves that usually stops the heckling without really offending.

Orin 10

I don't think we should threaten them :p But I know what you're saying, I've had this once (and only once) before with someone and I said the following "...Nah that's not what I'm doing, but fair enough." and literally stopped mid-trick and started putting the cards away. About 3-4 people said "Nooo, I want to see!" and one guy simply said "Shut up man and let him do it.". The heckler stayed quiet for rest of it.

It wasn't so much a threat but because of the way I'd connected with the audience (except for the H obviously, must've faultered somewhere along the line) although they were in my school year, I wasn't good friends with any of them, but yeah because of the connection, they dealt with the heckler for me. :)

- Sean
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