How to setup a magic journal?

Oct 26, 2013
I have been thinking of buying a composition notebook and dedicate it to a single magic project. Personally, I do have a journal, and I have been writing in journals for the past year. However, I mix a lot of things in a single a journal. For instance, I solve math problems, plan science experiments, write english essays , and practice foreign language all in one composition notebook. I have realized this is inefficient way of learning things because it's hard to keep track even though I write the dates and what I did on those dates. But hey! We learn!

I have realized,consequently, that what I have been writing in my journal in a messy and unorganized manner. I want to dedicate a single note book on magic. But not just randomly doing magic. I want to dedicate a journal on specific magic projects.

For instance, suppose I wanted to improve my flourishes, particularly fan flourishes. I would search online or in books looking for various fan flourishes. I would then compile the names of these fans into a list. I would then buy a single composition notebook and reserve it only for fan flourishes in magic, no sleights, fancy false-cuts,patter techniques or anything else. The notebook would keep hold of my objectives that I want to complete. At the end of doing a task, I describe what I did bad and good, attach some photos of me holding the cards in a certain way. Basically, do stuff related to that one specific project and keep it in that notebook until I accomplished my goals. Then move on with another project.

Now let me ask you guys some questions, especially you experienced magician's out there.

Do you guys think this is a good plan? Do you have a journal? If you do, what do you write in it? How do you organize it? Do you dedicate it to one specific topic in magic or do you keep it broad? Do you mix your journal with outside topics like I did? How many notebooks do you use in a year? If you do not have a journal, can you explain why?


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
I do keep a notebook of "ideas" of potential effects or my spin on an older effect. Sometimes these will just come to me spur of the moment and so I like to have the notebook with me or if I don't have my notebook I'll just type it into my Notes app of my iPhone and then add it to the journal later.

Right now I am in the process of going through all of my Genii Magazines from the 70's - late 90's ripping out the Eugene Burger Beginner's Corner pages and the My Side of the Table Pages which have a plethora of knowledge written on them. These are then getting organized into an accordion style file folder into various topic areas.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I keep several journals. I have a general journal which I treat much like what you mentioned at first. It's largely a notebook. I have a personal journal which is all just personal stuff about my life. I have one dedicated to hypnotism. I have another dedicated to story boarding videos. I have another which I dedicate to specifically writing out shows and or/trick scripts or ideas to base future tricks or shows on.

It really comes down to how many you want to manage. I have a slightly more than slight obsession with blank books so I have a lot of them sitting around to use.


Elite Member
Jan 25, 2013
You may want to look up MML 1.0 by Alvo Stockman. It is a pdf talking about how to diagram and analyze magic effects. It was a free pdf at one point, not sure if it still is or not but it is worth a read through for sure.

Jay Adra

Elite Member
Jul 11, 2011
I personally use OneNote to keep notes and ideas. For me, a digital notebook works best, as I can sync all my notes across my devices, have unlimited notebooks/sections/pages, include images, links, videos etc and it makes all my notes searchable.

I would definitely recommend looking into a note-taking program if you have a laptop or tablet you take around with you.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I've worked too long in tech support to rely on any electronic media to store things I care about. Maybe I'm just old school.

Jay Adra

Elite Member
Jul 11, 2011
Haha, I know the feeling. I've found cloud-based notes to solve the problem of computers crashing, hard drives failing etc. My notes are just auto-saved online and synced across devices. Haven't had any issues, but maybe I'm just new school. A lot of things I care about ARE digital.

I guess you just need to find what works for you.
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