I can't figure out my handedness

May 26, 2011
Basically what the title says. My best friend (also a magician) says I'm a lefty, but everyone else tells me I'm a righty or ambidextrous

I think I just have a completely dominate left hand with a little bit of right handed stuff.

Mechanics grip: In left hand
Palming: In left hand
Writing: Left hand
Throw: Right hand
Punch: Right hand
Batting (Baseball): I used to bat left when I was younger, but now I prefer right, but could do both if I wanted to get an edge.

I guess I feel like I can fine tune my movements with my left hand better, but if I had to get some power I need my right hand for that. I've tried to do detail related things with my right hand, but just doesn't connect with me.

Anyone with thoughts? Advice? My handedness has hindered me from being able to do some tricks, and I've had to adjust some to fit me, but some are not flexible for adjustments. Mainly, mechanical moves.
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being a lefty and a righty does matter little in the beginning process of learning sleight, but u can still train yourself to do the slight with the standard way (right hand) because most magician are right handed, so it is a benefit for you to train yourself to be right handed magician. This eliminate problem when you learn tricks from books and other sources.
Apr 2, 2011
Chicago, IL
As far as palming goes, eventually you will need to do it with both hands. Don't worry too much about the palming side of this.

I agree with the above. Most teaching aids assume the student is right handed, so it helps to be right handed. You are already holding the deck in your left hand, so there is no reason to change this.
Dec 26, 2009
There has been quite a bit of conversation on this topic in the past, so I will link you.


From reading, I can tell that your situation is a little different but the same in a few ways.

The biggest thing you need to remember is that 99.9% of material to learn from is written in a way that a right handed person is going to learn from the best. Remember that a right handed magician holds the deck in mechanics grip in his/her left hand. From reading your above post it seems to me like you may do well with sleights like pinky counts and other sleights that use the mechanics griping (left) hand to accomplish the sleight.

Hope I helped,

Sam Hindrichs
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