It Doesn't Matter

It doesn't matter what secret is said, or what trick of the trade imparted. The absolute secrete of the cosmos with a 100% money back guarantee if it doesn't work could be imparted to someone, but unless the knowledge is acted upon and used practically then it's as good as worthless. Ideas don't bring about change. Action does.

Asking questions, alone, on a forum won't make you a better street magician. Going out on the street and putting the advice given to work, testing out different ideas and seeing what will or won't work for you will.

Learning how a trick is done by watching a video imparts the knowledge, but until you practice it that knowledge is useless to you. Only after it's been a few times does that knowledge actually mean something to you.

In the eternal words of Master Yoda:
"Try not. Do or Do not. There is no try."
DAMN straight!!! I couldn't agree more. I have been performing magic for the past 9 years.. but have never worked for money...... until 3 weeks ago. Someone asked me to do street performing at this festival and i could do it for tips!!! That was just he tip of the iceberg.... I also found out that in the Saratoga Springs (Tourist Central) you dont need a permit to perform on the streets. I have been out on the streets nearly everyday. My magic hasnt really improved..but my people skills, Crowd control, Stage presence, and Everything else has increased 10 fold! Plus im making BANK with the Tips!!!! Pulling over $50 an hour. I decided that next summer im not going to do my normal internet marketing job and JUST do street performing. I figure if i can work 25-30 hours a week.. i will be able to make over $1000 a week!!!! I would never no about this unless i went out there an tried.

My advice is to get off your computer.. stop practicing those SUPER sleight of hand moves.. and go make some money with ACR, Biddle Trick.. or other awesome stuff that will blow people away.
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