Karnival: Released

Sep 20, 2008
Depends what you mean by different - how different, specifically. Vodkas have different face designs for one.
Where can I find some images of these?
Anything different, even just how the red is done in the Shadow Masters with different shading is slightly different.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Well you know the shading is different on stuff like Guardians and Cents and SM. The faces of Arrcos and Studs are slightly further from the edge and the pips are wider than Bikes... Jumbo Index cards will have different designs too, as will various decks designed for people with some degree of seeing difficulty.

I couldn't find any with a quick search of Vodkas - but basically their pips are grouped together, think the Pip Trip gaff card where all four pips are in a corner.
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