Magic For Darfur Book

Some of you may already have heard, but Magic For Darfur will be putting out a book with contributions from some of the bigger names in magic. This has been a project I have been working on since the summer and it is finally coming together.

Some of T11's own team members are contributing to the book and I would like to thank them for caring about a cause that needs so much attention.

The book will be a compilation of original effects from bigger named magicians. These magicians are Michael Ammar, Harry Lorayne, Lee Asher, David Regal, Daniel Madison, Steve Dusheck, PK Son, and many more.

I thought I would post about it here because it involves T11 team members.

This is just an early "heads up" for the Theory11 forum members.


P.S. There is a contest :)
Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK
Dude, what you are doing is incredible. Seriously.

I highly commend you for starting this up, charity fund raising isn't easy and what you've done and what it sounds like you've got planned is fantastic.

Kudos to you. :)

- Sean
Sep 1, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Some of you may already have heard, but Magic For Darfur will be putting out a book with contributions from some of the bigger names in magic. This has been a project I have been working on since the summer and it is finally coming together.

Some of T11's own team members are contributing to the book and I would like to thank them for caring about a cause that needs so much attention.

The book will be a compilation of original effects from bigger named magicians. These magicians are Michael Ammar, Harry Lorayne, Lee Asher, David Regal, Daniel Madison, Steve Dusheck, PK Son, and many more.

I thought I would post about it here because it involves T11 team members.

This is just an early "heads up" for the Theory11 forum members.


P.S. There is a contest :)

Sounds incredible Mitchell. I will definitely contribute to this cause and support your efforts by picking up this book immediately after it is released. I am sure this will be a great success and provide much needed attention and funds to help the cause for those in Darfur. Great effort here again and I hope everyone will recognize and contribute to support this effort while at the same time picking up a few effects from some of the greatest names in magic today.

Yes. I too am with Jim on this one. Do you happen to have an estimated date in mind when it might be for sale? :D

Take care,
Hopefully 2-4 months, the problem is we keep getting emails from magicians who want to be a part of the book. Plus we want this to be the best book EVER. Like seriously, it's going to have a built in lazer show :p.

Bottom line is we're working really hard to get it out in 2-4 months. Don't be angry if it takes longer though.

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