My problem with Youtube magic.

Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
People thinking we want to see their crotches or their hands. Seriously, you can still do a webcam video if you position the camera right and make it show your WHOLE body. Nobody wants to look at somebody else's crotch. It just looks stupid.

Also the fact that it's turning magic into something it wasn't meant to be. Jami Ian Swiss talked about how he didn't like youtube magic because Magic isn't meant for a webcam. It's meant for LIVE performances. It was made to turn that shy kid into somebody with confidence. How are you going to have ANY confidence, if all you do is perform badly for a webcam.
Oct 26, 2008
indeed but...

I agree with you...some of the magic on youtube makes me sick to my stomach. BUT, youtube is what got me started in magic. I saw a trick that blew me away. And because of that one youtube video, Im preforming for people.
May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
I agree with what you say with the whole social part and everything,
but Youtube also allows magicians who arent in these types of forums to communicate.
Youtube is also one of my main on going inspirations. Without youtube, i would be pretty bored everyday. Through youtube, I watch and learn how pros present and perform, improving the way I perform.
I do hate all the younewbs who just practice a trick once and think theyre all good. But there are some sick bastadds out there. Jordan Lapping for one, Allan Hagen for another, Jeff Teo for one more.
It just depends who it is and for what purpose it is.
I do have a youtube account and I use it to get feedback on the way I do tricks, which if I say so myself, arent that bad. haha
Jul 14, 2008
I agreed with you, there are some magic that is quite sickening, like your example from Randy. Youtube is an inspiration because it allows us to communicate it.
Sep 1, 2007
My theory on why people hide their faces is because they are shy or lack the confidence to show their face. Like you said, magicians need to get over that and start gaining confidence to perform out there where people can see them.
May 3, 2008
You've expressed my deepest hatred for the situation with youtube magic. The only webcam person that I think does it well is Jordan Lapping because he makes it damn entertaining.
Nov 30, 2007
Oh how I love this quote from Steerpike. Almost put it in my signature...

"I ask for the audience because I'm just sick of seeing a pair of hands with someone's pubescent package as a backdrop. I want to know if anybody here can actually perform for something other than a camera."
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