Never knew Daniel Garcia was basically a world class comedian

Feb 24, 2021
I bought another five Penguin Lives for $99. One is Daniel Garcia. About 10-11 years ago I bought a set of three "Guerilla Guide to Loops" videos used on ebay. Each of the three DVDs was a different person. Volume 2 was Garcia and pretty cool. The other two were shitty.

So when I was looking for five Penguin Lives to choose I picked Garcia largely because I remember his Loops videos being better than the other two people put together. He even did a PK touch routine with loops, which I once performed myself with great success.

He does some really awesome card tricks. Two of which were the kind of trick that I immediately said, I definitely want to do that myself. Actually four of them, but two involve extremely difficult moves that probably took him years to perfect. But he does a lot of other sleights that are super easy and made me say "why the hell haven't I seen this before?"

But this dude is hilarious. I thought Dan Sperry and Pendragon were hilarious when I bought their Penguin Live videos, but Garcia was on a whole different level. He seemed like he could have some success as a stand up comic even if he didn't do magic tricks.
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