
Jun 13, 2013
I always carry a ring, invisible deck, and regular deck. If I know i'm gonna perform I bring prophet, distortion, thread, or whatever. I usually perform like once or twice a day. but when I'm on break from college I perform at most once a week.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Most of what I do is in the mind - so I don't need props. I do sometimes carry extra stuff, like a different ring or a deck of cards, but since I can create a powerful moment without filling my pockets - I just don't carry props.

I would say I perform regularly, but rarely do full performances unless I'm getting paid. Most times I'm out with friends or at a party I end up doing something minor just to illustrate what it is I do (as it can be difficult to explain)
rubber bands on my wrist, usually some coins, maybe a ring and always a deck of cards (ungaffed). I hate carry extra stuff around so i try to use normal or borrowed items as much as possible
Aug 17, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
Well I work Monday through Friday so I only carry around a deck of cards usually during the week. But on the weekends I use my backpack and have about 3 or 4 decks of cards. 3 regular and a gaffed, multiple coins, possibly spongeballs because they're just fun sometimes, pens/markers, notepads for mentalism tricks, and what not. Its really not as much as it sounds. But I do have a bag, so its easier.
May 21, 2014
Staunton, VA
I always have at least my business cards with me, and there's a few things I can do with just those, but I do like to load myself down with crap when I can. I try to find opportunities to perform something or another at least a few times a week, preferably every day. I have a pocket belt that's part of my normal wardrobe and my costume, and it's always got decks and other props in it.
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
Christopher has the plan. . . especially if you think yourself a "Mentalist" in that we rarely need much more than what the brain can contain and one or two "basic" skills like Muscle Reading and Cold Reading techniques. However, I do tend to carry an SUC type wallet with me most of the time in that I use them in a manner that is NOT the usual peek wallet method. I frequently have my trusty Butterfly pad in my shirt pocket and my Mau Tou pendulum. I have a few habits of sort that require me to have several bits of paper, business cards, etc. in my pockets but I'll not go into what that's all about. But as a general rule, all these "extras" are for just in case moments in which I'm asked to perform and it becomes more than just a short demonstration (if I build a tip I will do more time).

Most people, at least in my day, moved into Mentalism so they didn't need to walk around a the Swiss Army Knife Magician, pockets overflowing with stuff. Like I said, Christopher has hit an important nail on the head here for others that want to be an actual "Mentalist" vs. being a magician that does mental styled material. However, magicians can take this same minimalist approach if they just educate themselves on what can be done totally impromptu with borrowed items; coins, shoe strings, finger rings, currency, match books, lighters, pens/pencils, etc. at most you will need a Thumb Tip and if you really have the addiction, a deck of cards. Granted, you can wear a few loops and even a gaffed finger ring or two or an expensive trick watch but it's totally unnecessary.
Dec 11, 2013
I always carry a normal deck of cards in my backpocket and a ring . Today I went to the market and forgot my deck... I just felt empty , seriously ! When I know Im going to perform I usually take a normal deck , gaff cards , ring , rubberbands and business cards .
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