Peter Loughran Anything Floats


Jul 5, 2009
Longview, Texas
I debated over reviewing this product on here because it seems alot of people don't know about it. I personally have not enjoyed what I've seen from Peter, such as Elevator 1&2. One, Entity and some others are really cool. I saw Anything Floats last week and had to buy it. I was certainly glad I did. It arrived today. I can honestly say I could have written a few words for this review and it be over with: Bad*******ass. That is all. Watch someones face when you float a book. The theory of thread is gone from their mind after that. Or a reverse airborne illusion, which is what sold me. Imagine doing Shudder in a brand new way. Float an iPhone, book, cigarette pack, light bulbs, coke cans, etc, all without threads or magnets. You end completely clean.

There are three setups that suit any need you may have. I did come up with a fourth set up using something some pk fans may have that has made the system even more awesome.

The angles are pretty good. As on Peter's website, your audience should not be behind you. Audience management here. I've had people tell me to levitate things, and they all come rushing to the front of me because they want a good view. You could use this on the street, parlour, stage, anywhere.

Lighting restrictions: There are none.

I love this effect. I've been walking around seeing what I can levitate and it's just awesome. You could demonstrate your pk powers by performing Crush with the monster can and then step it up a notch and levitate it and give it to them and walk away.
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Jul 18, 2010
I debated over reviewing this product on here because it seems alot of people don't know about it. I personally HAVE enjoyed what I've seen from Peter, such as Elevator 1&2. One, Entity and some others are really cool.

Fixed? That sentence didn't make to much sense.

Thanks for the review. I'll have to check it out
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