Quality of Jerry Nuggets and what are they comparable to?

Nov 30, 2007
For anyone that owns a deck of Jerry Nuggets what would you say the quality of them is most realated too...like if they are the most similar to a deck of Wynn's or something like that???

Sep 1, 2007
Well, when Theory11 announced the Witness contest they said that Wynns were the closest they've ever felt to Jerry's. But as I don't own either of them (yet, brown wynns on the way) I can't give my own opinion.
Nov 30, 2007
Well, when Theory11 announced the Witness contest they said that Wynns were the closest they've ever felt to Jerry's. But as I don't own either of them (yet, brown wynns on the way) I can't give my own opinion.

sweet thanks that what i guessed
Aug 31, 2007
OK i dont own a Jerrys anymore, but i used to, and they are different, but similar.
Its like Macs and PCs....they are both computers, they both let me post here, but they are also both different...

Hope i made sense...
Aug 31, 2007
Just answer this question to yourself.
Is it worth $120?


To answer the original question, I've heard that they are just a step lower than Wynns. But reaslly, it's all based on personal opinion.

John :cool:


I don't own one but I was told that it's comparable to having the essence of a Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick in you hands to demolish anyone in your path.
Without sounding like I'm bragging, I'll let y'all know when I get my Wynns...I have an opened deck of Nuggets that I got from the T11 contest when it first launched.

Now I'm off to bed, because as I told Jack the Mod, er umm...Magician...sleep deprivation and alcohol aren't a good combo, but after watching my patriots get the win in the final few seconds, and baltimore just fall apart, it's been a great night. And I turn 18 today...yea, December 4th. This weekend is going to be unforgettable...both figuratively and literally for those that get the hint. LOL!

Talk soon,
Sep 1, 2007
but after watching my patriots get the win in the final few seconds, and baltimore just fall apart, it's been a great night. And I turn 18 today...yea, December 4th. This weekend is going to be unforgettable...both figuratively and literally for those that get the hint.

Dude... GO PATS! and Happy B-Day!:D Mine is on the 14th ;)
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