Sandwich Battle - Vote Now

Sep 1, 2007
Los Angeles, California
I honestly did not like either of it. First of all... NO PATTER. I'm pretty much sick of routines or effects with no patter and just music at the background. Ever heard of presentation?(of course demonstrations of sleights are fine)

Ahmed, work on your flourishes to produce the aces, it was really sloppy.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia

Thanks for your comments. In fact, no patter was a necessity in this case since I shot it at around 2AM my time and I had to make it silent; nonetheless, your point is well taken on emphasising and practicing presentation.

Apr 9, 2008

Thanks for your comments. In fact, no patter was a necessity in this case since I shot it at around 2AM my time and I had to make it silent; nonetheless, your point is well taken on emphasising and practicing presentation.



I like you perform idea , it great. I think you can do it better with some sleight of hand or flourish.

For me , Ahmed perform more visual , it look like cool!:)
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia

Thanks for your comments as well. I totally understand what you mean by being more visual. Certainly, as Eddie pointed out, my video with patter would help augment the effect. I flourish, but as a personal choice, I don't like combining it with magic, I find that it distracts and is too sudden for laymen who have never seen flourishing before, and the shock from that takes away from the moment of magic from the effect. If you have The Devil's Picturebook, it's what Derren explains in Zamiel's Rose, why he purposely reduces the effect of the card revelation so it doesn't get in the way of the kicker. They're just my personal opinions, I appreciate your thoughts though, thanks very much for viewing and for taking the time to vote and comment! ^^
Sep 1, 2007

Thanks for your comments. In fact, no patter was a necessity in this case since I shot it at around 2AM my time and I had to make it silent; nonetheless, your point is well taken on emphasising and practicing presentation.


It's actually nice to see someone take constructive criticism well. Most people just argue and say "BUT IT WAS A RULE!!!1".

I also preferred yours, it may have been simple but there were no hesitations or moments of sloppiness, so it seemed as if you had practiced it well.

Ahmed just work on your flourishes.
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