Saturday Night Contest - Do You Remember?


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
So are people like me discounted because of youtubes processing?

Is there any way to avoid that?

One way to make video processing quicker is to also upload to a site like It converts your videos almost instantly, so you don't have to worry about it converting in time for anything. YouTube is usually pretty quick, but if you're in a rush, could save the day.

Congrats to our winner tonight. This was a fun exercise and hopefully provoked some ideas on ways to incorporate basic stack organization into your magic plots. With something as simple as a phone number, you can know the identity of the top 10 cards in the deck. With the right routine, that knowledge alone could be put to great use. Of course, for the cream of the crop, I would recommend study of the Tamariz Stack and it's applications.


May 3, 2009
the idea of my stuck was.

2 A 3 K 4 Q 5 J 6 10 7 9 8 (and then a mirror. 8 9 7 10 6 J 5 Q 4 K 3 A 2.

the colours: D C H S S H C D D C H S S ....

unfortunetely in preparation iv made mistake so my stuck become prety random :p

2D AC 3H KS 4S QH 5C JD 6D 10C 7H 8S(here was a mistake, so i improvise) 9S 9H 8C 7D 10D 6C JH 5S QS 4H KC 3D AD 2C 2H AS 3S KH 4C QD 5D JC 6H 10S 7S JOKER 8H 9C 2S AH 3C KD 4D QC BOWER 5H JS 6S 10H 7C 9D 8D.

But i think the first method can be useful if it wasnt published yet. i dont know it was my first time in this type of thinks ( i only saw one time erdenase order)

Hope somewone can use it.

my other problem was that i created it in less than one heure but fighting with y cam take 2h :) and also my english i sooo bad ... :p

so i will try in next week,

greetings from Poland,

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