Split Spades Lion Edition



I am not much for writing reviews, I love to read them though, but I must comment on these series of cards.

I have only two decks of the black Lion edition. I have actually had them for almost a month now. Maybe a little longer. These are fantastic cards.

I had the tally-ho version of David Blaines split spades and I have to say that even though I loved the design, the card stock themselves left me dissappointed. They felt so flimsy. Almost like they belonged in a Marvin's magic toy set.

Now I can say that these Lion editions are drastically improved and really question my current card of choice to perform with.(Which at this time are White Bicycle Ghosts)

The design of these cards are pretty much the same as the Tally-ho's version but the thickness and feel and handeling are far superior. These are great cards.

One thing I must mention and I know this sounds silly, but I absolutely am in love with the box. Such a superb design that just keeps me pulling this deck out of my pocket and staring at the box every now and again. I even have this box as my desktop at work. It's really between this and the series 1800 decks.

So to sum these cards are great and I would absolutely consider them as my go to cards. However I have this hang up when it comes to signature products as my main work horse.

I have this with guitars as well. I just have this thing with using a signature product as my main cards just knowing that it's someone elses cards. I know this sounds so stupid. I mean it's not like David Blaines name is all over them. And he is absolutely one of my favorite magicians. It's just I like to know that I am putting my own name on a deck of generic cards. It's weird.

Like I said I have this issue with guitars as well, but in that case usually a guitar will actually have a artist signature on it. Blaines cards are tastefully done it's just knowing it's a famous magicians cards keeps me mentally blocked on using these as my main performance cards. Hopefully I will get over that some day because these are fantastic cards. I will say that I find myself picking these up just as much as my masters decks, shadow masters, and viper fan backs when I practice. That is saying a lot considering how much I love those cards. Especially the shadows and vipers. And as I get older I find myself really leaning toward more elegant cards instead of the flashy black cards.

Well I am sure I have made many of you think I am a real head case so I will close out.

Thanks for reading.
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