"Throwing Star" A fun little Sandwich effect

Feb 4, 2008
The first three minutes is the effect. The rest is a review for a deck that most of you already have. Love to hear your thoughts. Cheers,

Jul 14, 2010
The effect is good and I liked the patter, although the filming angles are awful and most of the time your hands are out of the camera view.
Still, I guess that's not as important as the fact that you are a good performer and this is a nice effect.

Feb 4, 2008
Thanks guys. I hear you on the angles. Believe me I really wanted to get all sleights in the shot but with this type of effect I would really need a camera person to follow the flow or shoot from so far away you couldn't see much. No worries, You didn't miss much. Most of the moves are in shot or at least partially there. And those moves that are a bit out of frame are certainly not originals. Anyways, thanks for the feedback.
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