Trouble with the muscle pass.

Jun 10, 2008
You little stalker!
*I apologize in advance if this has been posted before.*

Ok, i've been practicing the muscle pass during the past month and i'm getting rather good at it. My only problem is the unnaturalness of the hand. When i do the muscle pass, my hand is always in the claw-like position much like when i started learning the classic palm. The base of the thumb and pinky were too close together and my hand just looks mutated.

I tried the subtlety from the classic palm (touch the thumb and index finger together) but that didn't really help either. So can any of you guys please give me some advice on how to make my hands look more natural while doing muscle pass?

Jan 18, 2009
First point down with your "claw':D and then move up while you push the coin in your hand. So it basically goes from pointing down then to an up position. It takes a while to get use to so keep on truckin'!!!!!!!!
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