
Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
Hey everyone, Rob here.

I just got my website up and running and wanted to get some opinions from you guys. What do ya like and dislike? Also, the only pics on it are from Ziplocked - I am working on getting some more professional pics taken and put up.

Jay Adra

Elite Member
Jul 11, 2011
.cfm? You don't see that too often :)

Anyway, here's my opinion on the site and the layout etc. I don't mean to be harsh or critical... actually, I mean to be critical, but not harsh :p I shall preface this by saying awesome job so far. I do have a few points which you should consider though:

I think you should lose the 'visitor counter'. I hate those things. They're either 'look how many people I've got visiting my site!' or 'look how lonely my site is... :('. Either way, it's useless. If you want to track visitors etc for yourself, use Google Analytics or similar.

The banner is nice (though the image in it is quite pixelated, but you said you're fixing that, so that's good). The rest of the site seems to be floating in space though, moreso for the index that other pages. I would wrap that whole content box in a div or similar and give it a border or background-color so it looks more structured and stands out more.

I'm not sure about the grey background, as that amount of grey seems to dull-en the overall feel of the site.

The navigation buttons seem too close together; the words almost blend as one.

It's good to see a nice lightbox used on websites, though I personally prefer Fancybox :)

More distinguished and visible hover colours on links and navigation would be good too.

Well done on the site though, and may I ask, did you design/create this yourself? Or a friend? Or some sort of site-builder?
Jun 6, 2010
Nashville, TN
Looks really simple and clean. I would lose the view counts though. If I went to a magician's website and saw that only 85 people have visited his website, I probably would be less likely to book him. Try to film some live performances and put them on your Youtube channel/this website instead of having an Ellusionist video that you could track the link down to.

I liked the "About" section. It told who you were and made me smile, which you want to do. And you said you were working on getting some more photos so, that's that. Overall, good website, just needs a little tweaking. :)


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Everything they said. Also, the splash page serves no purpose for you. Where it says 'Enter Here', I mean. Why have that? I've been told that having a page like that inhibits your ability to be found via searches, but I don't know if that's actually true.

Personally, I just really dislike having to go through one of those pages for no reason. It's like when I try to close a program, and it throws up a box that says, "Are you sure you want to close?", only this one is saying, "Are you sure you want to look at this guy's web site?"


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Wow..well on your way to a decent site man. I'm going to echo the above posters statements in that you need to lose the splash page even if you think it adds something or looks cool, lose the counter, space out your links just a tad more, add more photos when you have time and a few videos. Your VOICE link will become very important as this and photos of your performing are crucial for potential clients. I would maybe consider changing VOICE to TESTIMONIALS. Your choice though.

I like the layout and color scheme. Good work.


Jul 5, 2009
Longview, Texas
.cfm? You don't see that too often :)

Anyway, here's my opinion on the site and the layout etc. I don't mean to be harsh or critical... actually, I mean to be critical, but not harsh :p I shall preface this by saying awesome job so far. I do have a few points which you should consider though:

I think you should lose the 'visitor counter'. I hate those things. They're either 'look how many people I've got visiting my site!' or 'look how lonely my site is... :('. Either way, it's useless. If you want to track visitors etc for yourself, use Google Analytics or similar.

The banner is nice (though the image in it is quite pixelated, but you said you're fixing that, so that's good). The rest of the site seems to be floating in space though, moreso for the index that other pages. I would wrap that whole content box in a div or similar and give it a border or background-color so it looks more structured and stands out more.

I'm not sure about the grey background, as that amount of grey seems to dull-en the overall feel of the site.

The navigation buttons seem too close together; the words almost blend as one.

It's good to see a nice lightbox used on websites, though I personally prefer Fancybox :)

More distinguished and visible hover colours on links and navigation would be good too.

Well done on the site though, and may I ask, did you design/create this yourself? Or a friend? Or some sort of site-builder?

The initial Rob Greenlee logo where it says enter was done by me.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
I'm not knocking the logo at all, it looks good, there just isn't a need for a splash page. Can you guys utilize the logo else where within the site or are is there a template not allowing that?
Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
Thanks for the comments guys! I'll definitely take the hit counter and the splash page off! I'll see what else I can do as far as coloring and framing everything so it isn't just floating!

DecisiveAmbivalence - I created it myself using a site builder. This was my first shot at creating a website for myself!

Rick, the reason I put VOICE instead of TESTIMONIALS is because with the longer word, it wasn't on the same like like everything else. It jumped down and hung off into the gray area and looked weird. I still haven't figured out how to make those buttons smaller to fit TESTIMONIALS, but I'm working on it!


Elite Member
I think the addition of your professional pics would enhance the website. Companies or individuals that are interested in hiring you for an event want to see what you would look like when you show up to perform. They want to be confident that a professional looking entertainer will show up, not some kid in a T-shirt. (I'm not knocking the street magic look, those pics are fine) Keep in the mind the audience visiting your website and gear it towards them.
Sep 7, 2011
Hey Rob!

I would recommend some pattern on this grey background you have. Right now it looks too plain for my eye! Pretty much agree with what others have said also. Otherwise good job!


Jay Adra

Elite Member
Jul 11, 2011

I'm bumping this thread because I've changed the layout of the page and gotten some better photos done!

Any further opinions?

Wow. Since I first looked, this is a MASSIVE improvement.

I'm so glad to see someone who is willing to take advice to improve and you certainly have.

The background gradient is great and the pattern behind the main content really adds structure which is important.

I think the banner and navigation is so much better and much cleaner; simple and effective.

I'm very impressed; you've got a good clean layout going for you now.

Keep iterating, keep improving and well done. :)


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
I agree, a huge improvement.

A suggestion and a question to consider:
In your bio, I would remove the part about being an average guy - because your not. You can do magic. To a client, they want to believe that you are always magical. Take it for what you will, but I feel that by saying that (and especially opening with it) it plants the idea that you are a young guy who practices magic in his room. Your not. Your superman. Forget Clark Kent. He's boring. No one wants to associate you as a Clark Kent. They want a glimpse into the life of superman.

The question to consider is who are you trying to reach with your site?
Jan 29, 2008
Rob I can help you improve your site but first I need to know one thing....

What is the purpose of your site? (to book gigs? What kind of gigs? To sell your magic?)
Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
The main purpose is to book gigs. I don't do stage shows but I will do stand up acts, close up shows, walk around gigs, cocktail parties, bar/club venues, things like that. I don't and won't do shows for kids birthday parties.

Thanks everyone for helping out, and for the compliments and constructive criticism!
Jan 29, 2008
I only do corporate events so that is the only type of market I can help you book gigs in. you have any video footage of you performing for a crowd? If you want to book gigs, then the people who are going to book you need to know that you've performed for their type of crowd before. So if you want corporate gigs, you need to be seen performing for people who are wearing suits at dinner events, etc.

Imagine you're a client who is having a cocktail party and you want a magician. You go to a website like yours...would you book this person? The video you have right now about Ziplocked does not create desire for clients to book you. If you want to perform strolling at a cocktail party then you need to show people that they can hire you for those events. Right now, people aren't sure what event they can hire you for.

First step...get a new video of you performing for a group of people. want to create social proof. You create social proof by showing the client that you have performed for their type of group. If you want corporate gigs then you need to show them that those are the type of gigs you do shows for. How do you do this? List the companies you have performed for. If you haven't performed for any companies then go to an event where people are dressed really nice and have a friend film you performing for those people. Post it on your website and now it looks like you've been hired for that event.

You should also work on getting more testimonial videos. Get a video from everyone you perform for.

Those are a few things you can do right now

I created a blog awhile ago which talks about how to build a website....
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