What are the best custom cards?

Dean Magic

Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
I'm thinking of getting a custom deck of cards, what would be the best ones to get?
It really just comes down to personal preference. You could go with something really minimalistic (NOC's) or very complex (contraband). Most custom decks these days are really high quality so just browse around and find one that you like. :D


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I think the best decks are the ones that suit your overall style and aesthetic. As previously stated, most custom cards in the US are printed by the USPCC, so they're all pretty much the same. There's very little difference between most of them, and you can be sure the deck will be at least as good as Bicycle Standards in most cases (which is a pretty decent starting point, really)

So look around at designs you like and find one in a price range you're willing to pay.
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Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
I think the best decks are the ones that suit your overall style and aesthetic. As previously stated, most custom cards in the US are printed by the USPCC, so they're all pretty much the same. There's very little difference between most of them, and you can be sure the deck will be at least as good as Bicycle Standards in most cases (which is a pretty decent starting point, really)

So look around at designs you like and find one in a price range you're willing to pay.


A new deck of cards printed by the USPC will handle about the same as another. There are very few functional differences.
Feb 1, 2017
I'm trying to decide between contrabands and citizens. I prefer the look of citizens but the contrabands I tried earlier today felt a bit better than the citizens. They probably haven't been used for the same amount of time though, so can't really compare them.
Feb 1, 2017
Can anyone who has tried both decks tell me if there is an actual difference in the handling between the two?
Jan 28, 2017

A new deck of cards printed by the USPC will handle about the same as another. There are very few functional differences.

Eh, I can think of one exception. For some reason, and I have two decks of them, the Bicycle Escape Map deck (https://www.amazon.com/Bicycle-Escape-Map-Playing-Cards/dp/B00EA1QZ22?th=1&psc=1) feels like crud. Shuffling is tedious with those cards and I don't know why. Maybe the extra ink? :/

(PS: If linking a deck's link is no bueno, tell me. I'll edit the comment and won't do it again!)


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Custom decks feel great in your hands and give you a sense of pride in your work/craft. That being said...how much much are you willing to spend financially to burn through bricks of custom cards? Or are they just a treat for you to splurge on every now and again? Many sites offer a plethora of custom decks with varying thicknesses. Theory 11 has set the bar with their custom decks.

A majority of workers tend to stick with the standard bicycle rider backs or the Richard Turner Bicycles which are cut non-traditional style. One reason that I use bicycles is because I do not want my audiences questioning the validity of the cards.

I tend to just purchase the bricks at Costco or Sam's Club. It is much more cost effective. Just my two cents.
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
One reason that I use bicycles is because I do not want my audiences questioning the validity of the cards.

I think magicians are the only ones perpetuating this idea. In more than 5 years I have never been questioned for my cards and I use custom designs exclusively. And I've used all kinds of different designs. Black cards, white cards, alternative artwork, so on. My only requirement is that the pips and indexes are obvious to understand.

If you go to Target, WalMart, Walgreens, CVS, Bicycle.com, heck even liquor stores half the time, you'll find a variety of custom designs. Brand cards (Like Jack Daniels), sports teams, cartoons, animals, locations, trivia - custom designs are no longer even remotely unusual. Rider Backs do not have the monopoly they once had. David Blaine uses his own brand of cards and no one questions him.

I don't think your average audience is going to question the validity of your cards because they're not Bicycles, unless you (as in the performer, not a specific person) prompt them to question it, or if they're the type of person who questions everything a magician is holding.

I will also note that the one, single time I have ever been asked if I was using a trick deck, it was red Rider Backs.
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Dec 21, 2016
Personally i really dig some of the ellusionist designs (LTDs, Killer Bees, Hustlers), they handle alright and some of them have really colourful unique designs. Its all down to personal preference of course, but another option would be to back some kickstarter decks. Dont rule out independent dealers either, David blaines site has some gorgeous cards.

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
Personally. Blank cards.

The numbers/letters and suits are meaningless to a spectator other than to identify an individual card. Every other card in a deck that isn't the 'chosen card' is inherently meaningless.

So you have them sign a blank card (to fulfill the 'individual card' requirement for a myriad of card tricks) and do your thing.

What's even better is hat you get a few packs of blanks; you can do signed card routines for a long time. You may lose a card for souvenir purposes every time you perform a card trick, but every blank in a blank deck can be replaced with any card from a blank deck.

You give out a signed 6 of spades. You need a new deck to get another 6 of spades. Then another deck, and another, ad nauseam
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Dec 21, 2016
Personally. Blank cards.

The numbers/letters and suits are meaningless to a spectator other than to identify an individual card. Every other card in a deck that isn't the 'chosen card' is inherently meaningless.

Disclaimer, I played around with this for a while but for whatever reason it didnt seem to get the reactions i wanted. This also limits you from doing a few types of tricks. Blank ACR are pretty good, other than that i wouldnt recommend


Jan 12, 2017
Snohomish, WA
I really like Keepers. Ive played with a lot of different cards and Keepers are one of my favorites but all different applications too. Just Bike Dragon Backs have done me well for practice. I found a ton of them at Rite Aid for like 2.00 a piece and bought them up.
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