What do those numbers actually mean?

Aug 1, 2018
I've been collecting decks of playing cards for a relatively short time but have noticed something...many of those decks have a number, usually three digits, on the tuck case. Bicycle has 808, for example. Other numbers I have noticed on decks include, but are not limited to, 128, 727, 258, 310, 13, 18, 606, 64, 17, 016, 777, 9, et al.

Do these numbers mean anything or are they just arbitrarily plucked out of thin air?
Jan 26, 2017
They are sort of made up, sort of not

Imagine it almost like a barcode number for the cards that is easier to remember. The number itself is either made up, or has some significance to the creators. It relates back to whatever the card design and stock is.

Probably because its much easier for the company to explain they have 17 crates of 606, 18 crates of 128s, 72 crates of 808s, half red half blue, etc. Than it is to say, "we have 94 rider backs, 180 standards, 42 circles backs, 45 diamonds backs," etc.
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