When I try to search...

Feb 2, 2011
1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Seems kind of bass ackwards that I can post stuff, yet I cannot search..... What is up with that?
Jul 27, 2010
Chicago, Illinois
It looks like your new here, so welcome! I hope you enjoy what this community has to offer. Regarding your question, as far as I know, there are no restrictions, so I think this is a glitch.


Feb 9, 2010
Thanks! Hopefully they fix me up soon!

This seems to happen a lot in all kinds of places for me. It happened for a while before I got my username changed.

Just glitches. In the future, I suggest you send a report to the support team. They will get back to you in no time!

Good luck!


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
We just revamped our search feature, and it should now be working magnificently! Give it a shot now by hitting the search button at the top right of the forums. Stayed up until 4am last night getting this up and functional!
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