Which hand to hold the deck?

Sep 2, 2007
Im a righty, should I be holding the deck in my left hand while learning tricks or right?

The standard dealing position for a right-handed person is to hold the cards in the left hand, using the right to deal cards. So, right-handed magicians tend to hold the cards in the left hand dealing grip (or what you'll soon come to know as "Mechanics Grip"). You will find right-handed magicians who do things the other way round (John Carney, for example), but I think it'll make your learning easier to do things the usual way. It's how most books and DVDs assume you'll be holding the cards so it'll keep things simple.
Mar 30, 2014
The standard dealing position for a right-handed person is to hold the cards in the left hand, using the right to deal cards. So, right-handed magicians tend to hold the cards in the left hand dealing grip (or what you'll soon come to know as "Mechanics Grip"). You will find right-handed magicians who do things the other way round (John Carney, for example), but I think it'll make your learning easier to do things the usual way. It's how most books and DVDs assume you'll be holding the cards so it'll keep things simple.

Thank you. Left felt more 'natural' even though I still cant keep the deck squared in my hand. These things are sooo slippery.
Nov 24, 2013
Yeah I'm left handed too but I'm a right handed dealer so just hold it where it feels natural but if the cards are slippery it might just be because the card are really new :).
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