Wire Sells

Mar 22, 2013
Munich / Germany

The last days I'm asking myself, how often a trick is sold on the Wire.
Let's say you have a trick wich is in the Top Charts of the Wire and costs about 5$ or anything like that.
How often does this effect get purchased in one month average?

Thanks in advance!

- Konrad

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
Hey Konrad!

There is no simple answer to this, as the numbers can vary a lot. First, the Top Charts actually reflects the number of views of your trick, not necessarily the number of purchases. If the trick is mediocre it could still have lots of views, but very few purchases. On the flip side, if it is good and it is on the Top Charts, it may have sold very, very well. The Top Charts may be a good indicator of how well your trick is doing, but it is not a reliable number for estimating your sales.

The actual number you sell can range in one month anywhere from none (zero, zilch) to hundreds or more. We see both. Some tricks are submitted, published, and then forgotten about. Other tricks are promoted by their creators and see good sales for months at a time. It all depends on you.

Here are some tips for selling well on The Wire, applicable to anyone:

1. It should go without saying, but your trick needs to be good. Not all ideas are. Get feedback from other magicians before you submit your trick. Rick Lax talks about developing ideas here.

2. Good production quality. If it looks like you filmed the trick in 5 minutes with a webcam, it won't likely sell well. The better looking your video is, the more likely people are to purchase it. You don't need thousand dollar cameras to do this. Andrei did an awesome interview with Homer Liwag, member of Team Copperfield, in Expose a while back. In it, Homer discussed really easy things you can do to up the quality of your filming. You can catch this episode here.

3. Promote your trick. Just because it is on The Wire does not mean it will sell. People have to know about it. You trick will show for a short period of time on the Wire's front page as a new release, but once newer releases replace it, it is gone. Use social media to promote your trick. Show it to people you talk to. The tricks that sit at the top of the charts aren't there by chance. The creators take their tricks seriously and do all they can to promote it. Once your name is out there, and you have subscribers, every time you release a new trick your subscribers will be e-mailed about it. You have to get to that point first, however, and that required work on your end.

There are lots of other bits of advice we could give, but this is a good start.

Good luck!

// L
Aug 31, 2007
Wow - Lyle couldn't have put it more perfectly!

It totally varies for different people - a lot of it rides on you as the creator, as Lyle said. If you promote it, and have a following, naturally more people will find it. But sometimes you can gain a following just from continually putting out quality content - it's all up to you.

Good luck :)
Mar 22, 2013
Munich / Germany

Thank you so much you two for your answers. They are extremely helpful!
I will try to remember these points when my first trick appears on the Wire ;)

Thanks again!

- Konrad
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