Are those useful ?

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Jun 13, 2018
Hello, i found an interesting video about marked cards .

Do you guys think that i can mark my own cards with this stamping machine on this video ?

I have some tricks ideas based on those cards. Maybe here i can find some people who can give me precious informations about these things :)



Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
You do realize these require special glasses/lenses to see the marks, right?

Unless you can come up with a reason you need to wear a pair of sunglasses to do the trick, I don't see this being useful in magic.

It's much more practical to use a set of speed readers.
Jun 13, 2018
You do realize these require special glasses/lenses to see the marks, right?

Unless you can come up with a reason you need to wear a pair of sunglasses to do the trick, I don't see this being useful in magic.

It's much more practical to use a set of speed readers.

I know about the glasses or the contact lenses . I have contact lenses for those cards.

Jason England

Elite Member
May 6, 2015
Those cards are NOT readable with contact lenses or red-colored glasses. Those types of marks are called "luminous." Luminous work has been around since the 1920s (at least). What's shown in that video is IR (infra-red) ink. It can only be seen with a camera capable of seeing into the IR range and then only if a special filter has been placed over the lens to block out all of the non-IR light. It's not a cheap or easy setup and is fairly impractical for magical uses.

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