Difference between The Wire and Theory11?

Nov 27, 2015
I've been looking at theory11's website, and saw that the wire is also part of theory11. What's the difference? Is it about that The Wire only does downloads?
This is my first comment in the forums, hopefully it gets read ;).
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Gabriel Z.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
To my knowledge The Wire is the magic global marketplace. It's where artists sell there tricks with cards, coins, what have you. To get a better idea of what The Wire is really about click on the top of your screen where it says The Wire. It is in between Gear and Forums + Media. Btw all the comments on the forums get read, just some more than others. Hop this helps. :)
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Gabriel Z.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
The Wire is a service that Theory11 offers I believe. I don't think that they are two separate things.. I could be wrong for more information you would have to ask someone else. I am not a staff member so I wouldn't know the technical details of the Global Magic Marketplace they call The Wire. I think that The Wire is where all the non-featured artists of theory11 go to market their Ideas and effects.

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
The Theory11 Magic stuff is basically things by featured and known magicians and cardists.

The Wire, as has been said, is more of the 'independent circuit'. You'll see some things there by known magicians. But their things are more 'one-ofs' that might otherwise not be able to make it into a bigger project or what-have-you.

But mainly, the Wire is where people like you and me can publish something creative for free or for profit.

Man, I hope this helps and that it isn't a rehash of what has been said even though I read the responses.
Mar 14, 2015
Think of the Wire as an open market, where everyone can publish their own product with the help of T11 as opposed to T11 products being the "professionally" made products. It's similar to Indie versus triple A titles, both can be great but the production value differs. Hope that helps.
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