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  1. snibbor

    Waiting for the Jerry's Nugget cards to arrive...

    Your game is missing a jack of clubs and a queen of hearts. How do I know this? Because I would have WON had there been a JoC and QoH. This aggravates me.
  2. snibbor

    The Wire -- What's Going On?

    maybe... maybe there's ALREADY clues out there. Maybe they've been there since THE VERY BEGINNING (of theory11). Maybe we have yet to find them. MAYBE THEY'RE RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR EYES or maybe I'm just really bored.
  3. snibbor

    Souvenir Linking Rubber Bands

    That was wackidoodle all up in the hizzy fosho. </posing> I hope Ellusionist is gonna sell this.
  4. snibbor

    One New Message One New Photo

    R\A\AI Could mean that the clue or whatever is R -or- A -or- AI I'm pretty much just throwing ideas out on the table, I'm to lazy to follow up with them.
  5. snibbor

    One New and Possibly Final Message

    The key to magic is misdirection, right? We should concentrate on more than just the letters. Like, for example, the footsteps in the final photo could be a W, or an M... WA? MA?
  6. snibbor

    Inversion Routine

    Half Triumph by d+M is a great inversion effect combined with a triumph routine that I love using. It can be found in his book Collateral.
  7. snibbor

    Dark Music

    Try Axamenta. They're pretty much the complete opposite of mainstream, I doubt anybody will have heard them
  8. snibbor

    Another Anonymous clue?

    If only I had logged on earlier... I got right away that the code was in H** and that the answer to the riddle was a balloon. :(
  9. snibbor

    The Phone Has Chimed

    Wow, what a nice time to randomly log on to theory11.
  10. snibbor

    The Game by Jay Crowe

    Alright, thank you. I'll be keeping my distance from this.
  11. snibbor

    The Game by Jay Crowe

    Does anybody own this? It seems almost too good to be true. If anybody does have it, I ask them to please write a review for it, because I want to know all about this effect/concept, and whether or not it is a good buy. Thankies.
  12. snibbor


    Sometimes I will say "Look! It's Haley's Comet!" When nobody turns around, I'll tell them "O.K. most of the time people actually turn around when I say that," While saying that, I do whatever move is called for, "but since you're obviously too smart for that, I'll have to do it this way..."
  13. snibbor

    theory11 : David Blaine - Dive of Death - News

    I think I just had a brainblast. (Actually no, since this is DB then it's a Blaineblast.) I think he'sa gonna fall and right before he hits the ground he's gonna levitate in midair, then slowly come down. That would be TEH SICKNESS.
  14. snibbor

    What is the worst thing you have done to a heckler?

    The worst thing I've ever done to a heckler is something I saw on TV that was AWESOME. So I was preforming and after a trick Mr. Heckler says "Come on, show me something good!" Put my hand under my shirt. "Tell me good sir... do you like birds?" I make a magical gesture, remove the...
  15. snibbor

    theory11 contest - 24 Uncut Hours :: 09.12.2008

    With White Centurion decks fetching 30$+ on ebay, I wonder how much the uncut sheets would get...
  16. snibbor

    theory11 news bulletin 09/10/08 : Special Presentation

    I'll have you know that I am a retired Hungry Hungry Hippos professional. Prepare to starve.
  17. snibbor

    theory11 news bulletin 09/10/08 : Special Presentation

    I know! Tis the 42nd 1on1!! Oh wait, that's backpack. Could this mean the answer to life, the universe, and flourishing is Andrei Jihk?
  18. snibbor

    theory11 news bulletin 09/10/08 : Special Presentation

    Theory11 discovered the Higgs Boson!
  19. snibbor


    For the end of the movie, you should have waited a couple more silent seconds and then tried to eat the camera. Oh, and the change was nice too.
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