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  1. S

    New flourishes?

    Can anyone please recommend me some nice flourishes? I don't know what else to learn since all flourishes I liked, I learnt it already. I prefer flashy flourishes with great speed rather than comfyness or displays. If you know some interesting ones, please tell me! Thank you!
  2. S

    Liars in cardistry?

    So I just wanted to tell you guys something and I would like to know what you think about it. ----------------------------------------------- So I've been doing cardistry for some time now, and sometimes I would perform to laymen in groups. Their reaction were usually really great and they...
  3. S

    How to keep motivated?

    Ok, I've been doing cardistry more than a year now and I lose interest it in. Back then, I used to practice around 4 hours a day in the weekdays and 6 or more hours at the weekends. Presently, I only practice 1 or 2 hours at night, but I don't really feel like picking up a deck of cards. I...
  4. S

    Help! Cardistry in real life vs in videos

    I have been doing cardistry for more than a year now, and I need help. Whenever I practiced in front of a mirror, my flourishes looks really smooth just like the ones that I learnt the tutorials from. But when I record my flourishes in my phone, I look like one of the 10 year old kids with the...
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    Playing card games as a cardist/card magician

    I know this is an unusual question, but I'd just like to ask a question: Do you cardists/card magicians know how to play card games? Me, I'm a cardist and I have ABSOLUTELY no idea how to play the simplest card games. My friends saw me doing flourishes and they usually ask me if I wanted to play...
  6. S

    Original or counterfeit Bicycle?

    Hi, I had 2 Bicycle Seconds deck and I bought them in separate stores. The box and Jokers looked exactly the same (the box of the one with the straight red line is whiter than the other one which looks a little bit yellowish). But the only difference is the cellophane wraps. Can you please tell...
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    Real or fake Bicycle Seconds?

    Hi, I had 2 Bicycle Seconds. They all looked completely the same, but one has a cellophane with a simple red line, and another one has a cellophane with a lot of small writing "Bicycle" circling the cellophane. The box with the cellophane writing looks more yellowish (probably it is older).
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