
  1. D

    Video and photographic equipment

    Dealing with the right camera store Sydney saves you a lot of money and worries when making your investment. Dragon Image is the leading distributor and importer of industry-grade video and photographic equipment.
  2. Antonio Diavolo

    Zach King

    This is my second post today but I'm new to this and I love talking with other magicians and hearing their opinions about various topics. I was just wondering what everyone thought of Zack King. If you don't know, he's the guy from Vine who does cool magical looking edits with Final Cut Pro. I...
  3. D

    Talent Show Videoing??

    Hey! So I'd really like to perform magic for my school's talent show. The only downside is I'm primarily a close-up magician, therefore I do close-up tricks. I was hoping to figure out a way to have a friend live stream myself to my school's auditorium projector, giving a close-up view. I know...
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