card flourishing

  1. Avendsin

    Cardistry Vs Magic - Is cardistry harmful for magic and what role does it play?

    Hey, So a few days ago I took part in an online discussion about the role of cardistry and card flourishing in magic. Many interesting questions were brought up such as should you do flourishing in a magic performance? Is cardistry harming magic? So on and so forth. Anyhow, in the end I thought...
  2. CJK

    Cardistry: Where to Begin

    Everyone begins somewhere. Some in the middle of the park watches a man in a blazer flying cards everywhere in a cool crisp movement with smooth moment and you standing in awe saying, "Man, I want to learn that!" Or you can be the guy sitting in his room with a computer watching youtube videos...
  3. lolhammertime

    Where to make your own deck?

    Hello people! I want to make a deck customized to my own liking, and I already have an idea on it, I just need to know a website where I can have it printed. Also I want to choose the stock, cut, and finish. And lastly, it needs to have capability to do custom faces. Is there any existing...
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