
  1. A

    Best of Instant Downloads...

    Hey guys, second post today, and second post ever! I am looking to get one or a couple cool instant downloads, and are wondering what people would recommend. I do some stage and parlour magic. But mainly children's shows, and close up (non-card) work. Excited to hear people's opinions and what...
  2. A

    Suggestions to buy magic related stuff from Amazon

    Hello Everyone! I am relatively new to magic and mentalism, as I have started them about 2 years ago. I have mostly just used cards and coins to do my tricks, and have tried to master all the different sleights and tricks on YouTube, and in some books (The Encyclopedia of Card Tricks, etc). I...
  3. HopMan3000

    Best Tricks Under $10

    Hello, I was wondering what y’all think the top 5 downloads are on T11 for under ten bucks, preferably card but any work. Thanks. Hopson :)
  4. C

    Is it REALLY $395?

    Hey everyone, The Short Story: This price feels like it's a complete steal and I needed some opinions. Is it likely that the seller could raise the price after I lay a bid? I mean, if they're going this cheap (compared to other sellers) I'd like to get in there ASAP...
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