shin lim

  1. M

    52 shades of red velvet

    Hi, I have bought 52 SoR a few days ago and shin is talking about a vevet (in the black art section of the video) tht I cant find anymore because the website he is talking about is not there anymore. Does anyone know which fabric i can use that is similar to shins?
  2. M

    52 shades of red velvet

    Hi, I have bought 52 SoR a few days ago and shin is talking about a vevet (in the black art section of the video) tht I cant find anymore because the website he is talking about is not there anymore. Does anyone know which fabric i can use that is similar to shins?
  3. The Budding Artist

    Color Change

    Hello! Does anyone know the name of this color change?
  4. The Budding Artist

    Card To Mouth

    Hello! I am working on a card to mouth routine;however, I having problems. Essentially, when I put the card in my mouth it comes out soggy and quite gross. Is there a way to avoid this? I’ve seen other magicians do it, I just don’t know how. Thanks!
  5. The Budding Artist

    HELP Needed: Clipshift

    Hello! I am have an issue with the clipshift. Is their a private way to message me on Theory 11? (I don’t want to reveal it in a public form.)
  6. A

    Shin Lim inspired act!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys, let me know your thoughts on this 2 min act.
  7. Karo-K54

    Shin Lim's Teaching

    Shin Lim is one of the most revolutionary card magicians according to my opinion, but I haven't heard a lot of good about his teachings. I'm not talking about the big stuff, like Dream Act and 52 Shades of Red, but his other products like IV, ShinSplint and Spellbound. I wanted to buy...
  8. SamTheMagicMan

    Gone Deck Versus Travelling Deck 2.0

    Hi. I was wondering what you guys think is a better trick. Gone Deck by Sin Lim or Travelling Deck 2.0. I have purchased Travelling Deck but I was considering getting Gone Deck instead. I read some reviews and found out that Gone Deck requires a bit of construction for the gimmick. I...
  9. Maaz Hasan

    Best Deck Switch?

    Hey guys! Recently, I've been super intrigued by deck switching tools. I have Shin Lim's Flash Deck Switch 2.0, and have not yet used it in a performance outside of my friends and family, but I find it works very well. I have come across many Deck Switch methods, and everyone thinks one...
  10. C

    How tough are Shin Lim P magic products to perform???

    How difficult is shinanigens Dvd and 52 shades of red to perform and it is suitable for close up magic.(audience 1m away). I am 14 and started with card magic 2 yrs ago. I have learned a lot from dvds like How to do street magic, crash course, born to perform and ninja. I know it will be hard...
  11. P

    Velvet texture

    Hey. This is a question for people who has watched Shin Lim's at the table lecture. The mat he uses in the lecture has a very off pattern texture. I was wondering what this type of velvet is called and what to search for. I have tried crushed velvet, but that seems to bee just wrinkled velvet...
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