youtube magician

  1. MagicofKeelan

    Are There Cardistry Moves You Made?

    A few years ago I broke my hand and started to learn cardistry as a way to heal. I didn't have much interest until that moment. The bone I broke was the 5th metacarpal in my dominant hand and my pinky is slightly shorter now. The beginning process made several stretches difficult so this is...
  2. Zenn_Magic

    Magical Gestures

    I'm making a comedy video and need as many magical gestures you can think of! (Snap, blow, shake, etc)
  3. C

    I interviewed Daniel Fernandez...

    For those of you who don’t know, Daniel is a huge youtube magician with almost a million subscribers! He’s all over social media, feautured on the Ellen Degeneres show and has performed for celebrities like Jack Black, Margot Robbie and many many more. I kept the raw uncut video so you can see...
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