1st time using Omni Deck and Girl Ran Away lmao, just had to share


Elite Member
Jul 22, 2016
So awesome! It's like a 'found footage' magic effect lol
Haven't used mine yet... terrified someone will drop it.... bought it from Shawn Farquhar out of his suitcase lol
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So awesome! It's like a 'found footage' magic effect lol
Haven't used mine yet... terrified someone will drop it.... bought it from Shawn Farquhar out of his suitcase lol
Wow that's incredible I'm totally envious of you LOL I also bought it from Sean's website because I'm a firm believer in buying it from the actual creator they're the ones that put the hard work into it but how in the world did you manage to get it from his suitcase ?? I was nervous using it also that's why I felt more comfortable trying it at night time it helped me out a lot just my two cents


Elite Member
Jul 22, 2016
I was able to see him at a lecture here. I bought a lot from him lol.
He was so freaking awesome. Gave me personally a lot of tips for my anxiety when trying to perform.
He also signed a deck for me.
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I was able to see him at a lecture here. I bought a lot from him lol.
He was so freaking awesome. Gave me personally a lot of tips for my anxiety when trying to perform.
He also signed a deck for me.
That's really awesome man you should definitely consider yourself lucky and I love hearing stuff like that because I see these guys perform but I don't know what kind of people they are and the fact that they stay humble and don't forget where they came from early on in magic is a huge biggie for me so just by what you're telling me he sounds like a great guy !! I'm so happy for you that's great
It couldn't have happened without www.vanishingrabbit.com
It's a the Only magic shop near me.
The owner is looking at trying to get Chris Ramsay this summer.
Wow that would be amazing man !! What state or what city are you from if you don't mind me asking ?? I'm from Atlantic City New Jersey and the closest magic shop is a little over an hour away right by Philadelphia otherwise I have to go to New York City two and a half hours away where there is tons of them I've never been up there so I don't really know I've just heard
Thanks for posting the video, and for the kind words from both of you. It's cool the way a magician from Atlantic City and one from Red Deer can connect and help each other using this forum.
That's what I'm all about man, is magician's connecting all over the world & forming a huge Network to help each other. We got to realize we're such a small niche as far as our Hobbies/professions go and it's not a competition to outdo one another but to help one another building one another up to the point where we all can represent magic in general to the best of our ability to the public. I want to start this thing called "the pass" get it LOL where magicians are grouped in like 7 or 8 people and they all log online and it's one person's turn that week and you can see where they're from learn about their culture and watch him perform live through their mobile phone and then we can critique them when they're done to help him/her improve if they need any. And say next week it'll be my turn and seven of you guys log on and you guys get to see where I'm from and how I live in my part of the world and so on and so forth I think it's a good way to learn about other people's cultures where they come from and just magic in general how it doesn't matter where you at in the world but magic always brings people together !! Or in this case they run away from you LMAO
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