7 Remastered by Lyndon Jugalbot & Skymember Presents

Dec 1, 2012
Creator: Lyndon Jugalbot
Publisher: Skymember Presents
MSRP: $30
Skill Level: intermediate/advanced
DVD Run time: 38 minutes

Type of effect:

Seven effects (mostly card tricks) involving animations, transformations and levitations.

Manufacturer's Write Up:

This is a collection of Lyndon's signature effects. Lyndon will sharing his 7 powerful effects in a single DVD. This DVD comes with the necessary props so you can make the gimmicks without worrying the materials.

How accurate is the ad copy?

The ad copy is strictly a description of the effects, so it's straight forward acurate.

What's in the box?

DVD and a small manila envelope with the necessary gimmicks to build the effects.

Key points:

You do get seven ideas for effects and all the components you need to build them. The effects do play strong if performed well and they all have a very "modern" presentation.

How are the production values:

Poor. The DVD is shot with no audio and it looks like it was made with Windows Movie maker.

Is it well made:

All of the gimmicks/gaffs are presented for you to build. There are a lot of arts and crafts with this DVD that require everything from tin snips to sewing.

Is it well taught:

Not really. All of the instruction is done in sub text on the screen and any sleights needed are only mentioned, but not taught. The viewer is expected to know how to do a double lift, double undercut, control a card to the top and so forth.

My thoughts (what I personally liked/disliked):

I never like "arts-n-crafts" magic. I am not patient with cutting or gluing and I would rather pay for my gimmicks to be made for me. That said, there are just too many gimmicks to include in this presentation and so that's why it's left to you to build your own.

Storage? Does it "pack flat?"

All of the gimmicks or devices you build are all flat and can easily be palmed or ditched. But they are also built with materials that will need to be replaced over time.

How practical is this in the real world? Does it "play big?"

All of these effects are very "Street Magic" and involve either an animation or a transformation and so that said, I think that each of these effects has great potential.

How original is this idea?

I think these effects are very original in design, but not concept.

Overall score: I would give this an 8 for the effects, but a 6/10 for the DVD and the teaching.

+ If you want to see my full review with even more of my opinions and ideas you can visit thislink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iohqxdpg9Yc
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