A beginner needs some help!

May 29, 2008
Some advice

Hey guys i do not post much but when i so many posts i cant think why not get involved.

It all depends firstly what path way do u want to take in magic, as in what style best suites the person who u are. Do u want to do GEEK magic, card magic, impromptu etc.

Then u need to decide what type of character u want to be when performing to people because remember no matter how hard or how easy a trick is greatness is only achieved with showmanship and the memorial performance u give the spectator, a clear presentation that is fluent and controlled is the most hard hitting to a spectator because there guard is always down when u act natural so that goes to anyone about to perform magic make it part of u like riding a bike perform and do sleights as if it was second nature not as if it was badly practiced then u know u are truly ready to go out and perform when you keep in mind a quote i remember Wayne Houchine stating "to get enjoyment out of showing a spectator something amazing they can remember and talk on about for ages"

By the way about books and dvd training u need to know if it is easier for u to read and disect things in the txt some books can be a little cryptic leaving some important notes out. DVD's more visual and u can actually see how effects need to be accomplished before performance.

Try mixing up your magic at the start to see what your more comfortable with and then focus on one main genre and expand and devolep it.

Hope this helps anyone understand that it doesnt matter how much knoledge u have u need to have passion to be a true showman and the love of magic to begin with before anything will fall into place.

Remember magic is an art and with that us people who love this art help preserve it and treat it with respect so people can enjoy the skills we have to offer than making them lose interest.
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