Anglo Rugs


Elite Member
Jan 12, 2011
Jun 22, 2010
Martinez, CA
The ones in the second link have the "familiar gold decor" while the ones on Ebay do not. They could be just another color however for the small amount you may save on shipping on Ebay it isn't worth risking unless you really like the colors. I couldn't really tell you with proof that they aren't authentic however no one has purchased any Anglos from him recently maybe they aren't buying because they're fake? I don't know but I'm sure that someone that does will tell you. Sorry for wasting your time just to leave you how you were before.
Feb 4, 2008
Your question has mostly been answered already. There are two types of Anglo cards, Rugbacks are jumbo indexed, have a very feintdimpling pattern(They almost feel smooth) and will have gold in the back design(either as primary color or secondary color.) The Poker editions have standard indexes, a cambric patterned surface, and have no gold on the back design.

Rugs are a stiffer card and thinner than the Pokers. I like the "snap" that they give you. Almost as "snappy" as Fournier and Piatniks! They don't fan to hot but I am told that folks who use fanning powder get them to fan pretty well.

Rug Back Review:
Poker Edition Review:
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